Sarah Sitkin : Bodysuits. Superchief LA. Los Angeles. Photos

BODYSUITS by Sarah Sitkin


“BODYSUITS is Sarah Sitkin’s solo exhibit at Superchief Gallery, which opens March 10th and runs through the 25th. The show focuses on human bodies turned into wearable garments. By directly molding actual people, Sitkin has preserved every minute detail to present hyper-realistic replicas of other people’s skin. Sitkin’s sculptural pieces are not horror or grotesque; they intentionally subvert boundaries and privacy in order to provoke recognition in the shared human experience. The wearer is invited to empathize, confront, and reevaluate the judgement we hold to the bodies of others as well as our own.
BODYSUITS forces us to think about the division between body and self.  And while identities continue to migrate to virtual representation via digital influence and technology, the exhibition aims to reconnect attendees with their own physicality.”

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